Mods for world of warcraft
Mods for world of warcraft

  • And all the people that create fan art, drawings and images about this (I’m not an artist to do flags, background images, …).
  • mods for world of warcraft

  • Blizzard for creating this wonderful universe.
  • If there is a pro modder who knows how to do this…
  • Possible new Leaders: Vereesa Windrunner, Khadgar, Jaina (Kul Tiras), Antonidas, Nathanos, Alleria Windrunner, Old Gods, Dragon Aspects.
  • Add unique leader diplomatic text (it may appear the leader diplomatic view with an empty text when playing against one of these leaders).
  • Includes 123 units, 22 buildings and 11 improvements (some of them used in my others mods about Warcraft)ġ8 Natural Wonders: Blackrock Mountain, Un'Goro Crater, Lost Peak, Mount Kajaro, Vashj'ir, Highmountain Peak, Hyjal Summit, Mount Mugamba, Mount Neverest, Maelstrom, Well of Eternity, Onyxia's Lair, Razorfen Kraul, The Wailing Caverns, Maraudon, Deadmines, Caverns of Time, Grizzlemaw Religions: Naaru, Holy Light, Blood Knights, Forgotten Shadow, Cult of the Dammed, Arcane, Fel, Shamanism, Druidism, Geomancy, Elune, Earthmother, Old Gods, Voodo, Titans, Money, Forest Loas, Tundra Loas, Zandalar Loas, Jungle Loas, Island Loas.
  • Tirion Fordring leads the Argent CrusadeĤ4 City-states: Stormgarde, Alterac, Kul Tiras, Theramore, Dalaran, Acherus, Gadgetzan, Booty Bay, Ratchet, Everlook, Mudsprocket, Bogpaddle, Fuselight, K3, Scarlet Crusade, Cenarion Circle, Ramkahen, Fizzle and Pozzik’s Speedbarge, Tuskarr, Iron Dwarf, Frostborn, Vrykul, Shado-Pan, Peak of Serenity, Jade Serpent, White Tiger, Jinyu, Zul'Farrak, Highmountain, Bloodtotem, Tideskorn, Black Rook Hold, Valarjar, Azjol-Nerub, Ahn'Qiraj, Manti'vess, Ulduar, Ulduman, Taunka, Dragonmaw, Wildhammer, Dark Iron, Timbermaw Hold and Grizzlemaw.
  • Genn Greymane leads the Kingdom Gilneas.
  • Tyrande Whisperwind leads the Night Elves.
  • Muradin Bronzebeard leads the Kingdom Ironforge.
  • Varian Wrynn leads the Kingdom of Stormwind.
  • Jastor Gallywix leads Goblins of Bilgewater Cartel.
  • mods for world of warcraft

  • Lor'Themar Theron leads the Blood Elves.
  • mods for world of warcraft mods for world of warcraft

  • Garrosh Hellscream leads the Orcs of Durotar.
  • This MOD is not compatible with other mods containing civilizations of Warcraft. This Mod is based in the Warcraft games of Blizzard.

    Mods for world of warcraft